Thursday, February 05, 2009

Leave "It's A Small World" Alone!

I REALLY hate this!!!! As just about everyone knows, It's A Small World is my favorite ride. And they are RUINING it!!!!

More than 40 years after the "It's A Small World" ride opened to promote world peace and showcase the cultures of the world, Disney is populating one of its most beloved attractions with its own trademark vision of the planet: Aladdin, Nemo, Ariel and more than two dozen cartoon characters plucked from its movies...;_ylt=AipeCQN.9zwvl7mgCRp0Yoas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFrb2VxOG45BHBvcwMxNTYEc2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50BHNsawNmYWN0bWVldHNmYW4-

1 comment:

New York City's Watchdog said...

I hate that song. They make you hate that song.

The real question is whether or not they are going to fix it so that fat people can sit in the boats without it bottoming out!