Thursday, November 16, 2006

A CHORUS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you Mom and Dad for the greatest 30th birthday present ever!!! I LOVE YOU!

Finally! FINALLY! A theater nerd's dream come true! My musical theater geekdom is complete! I missed it the first time but now! Finally! I have seen the greatest piece of musical theater history ever! Tonight Mom and I went to see...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got home and I am completely inarticulate at the moment because I am still SO excited! It was everything I hoped and dreamed it would it be. It was moving, hilarious, goosbump-inducing and amazing. I mean - AMAZING!!!!!

Completely stunning and unbelievable. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the truly most memorable experiences I've ever had in the theater ever ever ever. (Yep - turning 30 but when enthusiasm overtakes me I turn into a 13 year old when I write!)

Oh and have I mention it was amazing? A - MAZ - ING!

Go see it it go see it go see it go see it go see it go see it go see it go see it go see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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