Sunday, April 15, 2007

pix 4

Opening gifts with the bridesmaids (who are curiously very good at avoiding pictures!)

Stacie spoiled us with a bunch of stuff including this towel cake

Sandy and Vinny gave me a foot spa. And this gift has a long story to go with it. Basically since I was a little kid, like 6 or 7, I used to ask Santa Claus for a foot spa. Weird request from a little kid. Santa (Mom and Dad) wisely said no. Yeah - a little kid with a water filled tub that plugs in? Even when I vowed to save my allowance the answer was still no. Cut to 25 years later and here it is! THANK YOU SAN AND VIN!!!!

Grandma made this kitchen lady herself! She is made up of a towel, wooden spoon, cheese grater, tea leaf holder, etc! It's so adorable I can't dismantle her to use her!

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